Friday, April 16, 2010

April 2010 Throwaway !!!

April 2010 Throw away from Ryan Boutilier on Vimeo.

Alright so it's only the middle of April and I've been doing a lot of filming lately and I've recently gotten my hands on a new MK1 fisheye. I bought it off a guy named Kurtis Filippone. If you don't find that name farmiliar, it is the guy who filmed/edited the Canadian skate video "Strange Brew". If you haven't seen it yet, ya should check it out, it's pretty sick or take a stop by the NS shop and ask Rob or Shane to throw it on and take a peek at it. So anyway I threw together this beefy early season montage already! and the +20 weather has suddenly vanished and it's snowing now. If anyone wants to go filming or have any fresh ideas in mind hit me up on facebook or something and I'll more than likely be down. Later!


Friday, April 9, 2010

pictou county mish

welcome to cape breton, originally uploaded by RyanMansfeild.

took a roadie to pictou this past weekend to film some new spots and get a break from the island.

Ken Erickson, Richard Macdougall, Ryan Rideout, Mitch Brown, tagged along with Me and Bootsy filming and Local Alexander Mitchal as our dedicated tour guide of all the spots in the area.

Needless to say we started the last lag of coastals filming on the right foot. (or left) Bangers for the next 6 months!