Random OA logo sighting in Glace Bay .... er well. almost.
Photo creds to Mr Burke lol
Logan Park Lap from Ryan Mansfield on Vimeo.
Ryan Mansfield 2010 Footage from Ryan Mansfield on Vimeo.
Steve Vassallo Promo from Ryan Mansfield on Vimeo.
Calgary Monty 2010 from Ryan Boutilier on Vimeo.
Travis Sabine from Ryan Mansfield on Vimeo.
Logan Farrow - Calgary Pre Season Jibbing from Ryan Boutilier on Vimeo.
Montreal Trip Throwaway from Ryan Boutilier on Vimeo.
drive to element skate camp time lapse from Ryan Mansfield on Vimeo.
Summer 2010 Throwaways from Ryan Boutilier on Vimeo.
Bowl Throw Aways from Ryan Mansfield on Vimeo.
Coastal Editing from Ryan Mansfield on Vimeo.
April 2010 Throw away from Ryan Boutilier on Vimeo.
took a roadie to pictou this past weekend to film some new spots and get a break from the island.
Ken Erickson, Richard Macdougall, Ryan Rideout, Mitch Brown, tagged along with Me and Bootsy filming and Local Alexander Mitchal as our dedicated tour guide of all the spots in the area.
Needless to say we started the last lag of coastals filming on the right foot. (or left) Bangers for the next 6 months!
only two of these suckers and we got on one first shot.... in a snow storm!
Toasted Trailer from Ryan Mansfield on Vimeo.
Intro from Ryan Mansfield on Vimeo.
POV Cam Test Fun from Ryan Mansfield on Vimeo.